Here in Ontario, Canada we are doing well in the fight against Covid 19. So much so that our government has suggested that for the sake of our mental health that we form social bubbles, with whom we can hang out with without having to maintain social distancing. That was all the " Dream Team" needed to jump at the chance to get together! We missed seeing each other so much!. So, we immediately planned an afternoon of good food, laughter, and of course creating some cool stuff!

First let me explain who the Dream Team is. Its a crazy group of 4 ladies, me and my three besties, J, JZ, and L. (by the way, I am not using their initials to protect their privacy- it's just our thing), who get together and have creative adventures, try every art form known to man, and of course...gab!.
So back to our fun day. We decided to each bring a creative activity to teach each other, I wasn't sure if we would get through all 4, but I brought my UV Resin supplies with me in case we got around to it.

Turns out we did get to the UV Resin creating, and we stuck with that for most of the afternoon, (sorry ladies!). I was happy to see they all enjoyed creating using this amazing medium as much as I do.
Working with UV Resin is amazing because it is quick, doesn't need to be mixed, and can be coloured and decorated beautiful. With UV resin you can use molds, backless bezels or regular bezels, it is so versatile!.
If you are interested in checking out using UV resin watch this video:
Finally, here are our masterpieces:

Chat soon,
Caroline Andrews